Malen im öffentlichen Raum ist eine sehr schöne Sache ist. Es gibt nur noch eine Sache, die besser ist: Nämlich einen verlassenen Ort mit Kunst neues Leben einzuhauchen. Deshalb ist WALLCOME glücklich weitere Kunstwerke seiner Gäste zu präsentieren. Wir haben zusammen im Herzen von Schmalkalden einen urbanen Spielplatz für Kunst entdeckt und der Kreativität freien Lauf gelassen.
Painting in public spaces is pretty nice. But there is something better: to revitalize an abandoned place with art. WALLCOME is happy to present some more artworks by our guests. Together we discovered this Urban Art playground in the heart of Schmalkalden.


The Urban Art Playground by Know Hope x Pixel Pancho x Case – Schmalkalden 2014


Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Björn Schorr

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Björn Schorr

Photography by Björn Schorr

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Björn Schorr

Photography by Björn Schorr

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner