Mit dem Mural des Künstlerduos Herakut hat sich nun auch der zweite Initator von WALLCOME bei seinem „Heimspiel“ verewigt. Bei diesem Bild bewegen sich Herakut wie so oft in der Welt der Märchen und Fabeln und nehmen dabei Bezug zum Kulturkreis, in dem ihr Werk entstanden ist. In Anlehnung an Grimms „Rotkäppchen und der böse Wolf“ wollen die beiden Künstler zeigen, das es sehr einfach ist, ein Klischee unreflektiert anzunehmen – es aber of Arbeit und Mut benötigt, es wieder zu überwinden.

Zeitungsartikel zu Herakut (
As part of the artist duo Herakut, WALLCOME’s second initiator, Akut, has contributed a mural to the festival in his native Schmalkalden. Once again, Herakut’s artwork takes place once upon a time, referencing their cultural origins. Their version of Grimms‘ „Little Red Riding Hood“ deals with the power of clichés. The artists want to point out how easily clichés are readily accepted – and how much courage and work it takes to overcome them.


Falk Lehmann - Herakut1
Herakut – Schmalkalden 2014


Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann