Die nächste Wallcome Wandmalerei kommt von unserem erstem internationalen Freund M-City und sie ist hervorragend geworden. M-City bringt eine wundervolle Schablonenkompostion einer Lokschuppendrehschreibe geradewegs in die Altstadt von Schmalkalden. Sein Meisterwerk rückte schnell in den Mittelpunkt der Aufmerksamkeit der Bürger. Das Wandbild befindet sich in der Haindorfgasse 2 in 98574 Schmalkalden.
Zeitungsartikel zu M-City (www.insuedthueringen.de)
Zeitungsartikel zu M-City (www.insuedthueringen.de)
The next mural comes from our first international friend and it’s done so well. M-City brought us a wonderful composition of a stencil made roundhouse straight into the historic district of Schmalkalden. His masterwork quickly became the center of the citizens‘ attention. You will find his piece at Haindorfgasse 2 in 98574 Schmalkalden.

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by MikeDeichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Bjoern Schorr

Photography by Bjoern Schorr

Photography by Sascha Buehner

Photography by Bjoern Schorr

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Bjoern Schorr

Photography by Mike Deichmann

Photography by Sascha Buehner