Pixelpancho malt inmitten der historischen Fachwerk-Fassaden der Schmalkaldener Altstadt eine alltägliche soziale Situation und bringt dabei einen Roboter-Jungen mitsamt seines alten Leder-Fußballs in die Stadt. Gerade im Zuge der Weltmeisterschaft in Brasilien steht dieses Bild als Sinnbild dafür, wo der Fußball für viele begann – nämlich auf der Straße.
Zeitungsartikel zu Pixel Pancho (www.insuedthueringen.de)
Zeitungsartikel zu Pixel Pancho (www.insuedthueringen.de)
Amidst the medieval townscape of Schmalkalden, Pixelpancho creates a mural of a robot boy with a old leather football, captured in an everyday situation. In the context of the recent World Cup in Brazil, the artwork is emblematic of the original stadium of many football players – the street.
Pixel Pancho – Schmalkalden 2014

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Falk Lehmann

Photography by Björn Schorr

Photography by Björn Schorr