Das Bild von Know Hope entstand an einem geschichtsträchtigen Ort: Der aus Israel stammende Künstler hat die Fassade der ehemaligen jüdischen Schule von Schmalkalden neu gestaltet. Darauf ist ein Vogelschwarm zu sehen, der die Sehnsucht, einen großen Raum zu füllen, symbolisiert. Dabei vereint er innerhalb seines Werkes sowohl die Vergangenheit als auch die Gegenwart und die Zukunft.

Zeitungsartikel zu Know Hope (www.insuedthueringen.de)
Know Hope’s piece was created in a place that is ripe with history. The Israeli artist has redesigned the front of Schmalkalden’s former Jewish school. The artwork depicts a flock of birds, symbolising the longing to fill a vast space. All in all, he combines the past as well as the present and the future in his work.


Know Hope – Schmalkalden 2014


Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann


Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Mike Deichmann

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner

Photograpy by Sascha Buehner